Nhất Niệm Vĩnh Hằng
The TV series An Eternal Thought (2021) revolves around the character Bạch Tiểu Thuần, a young man on a quest for immortality. Despite his pure and innocent appearance, he harbors dark thoughts within. When his friends are in danger, he selflessly strives to save them, showcasing his extraordinary abilities. With a single thought, he can manipulate the elements, defeat demons, and challenge even immortal beings. Set against the backdrop of Mạo Nhi Sơn mountain and a simple village community, the story unfolds with mystery and intrigue as Bạch Tiểu Thuầns journey towards eternity takes unexpected turns. His white robe symbolizes both his purity and inner turmoil, making him a captivating and enigmatic protagonist in this mesmerizing tale of power and sacrifice.