Nằm Vùng Trở Về
The Chinese crime drama television series, Nằm Vùng Trở Về - Undercover (2017), revolves around the character of Bao Ngoc, a skilled undercover agent tasked with infiltrating the Phi Thanh company. His mission is to gain the trust of Lam Oanh, the wife of chairman Diem Kinh, in order to gather crucial criminal information. However, Diem Kinhs vigilance and expertise make it challenging for Bao Ngoc to maintain his cover. As the story unfolds, Bao Ngoc, along with his team members Lien Trung and Tan Viet, are forced to fake their deaths in a desperate attempt to continue their investigation. The series captivates viewers with its thrilling storyline and talented cast, making it a standout amidst the sea of Chinese television dramas.